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Simple fountain-When design waterscape fountain,it is common to hear from clients:i want to make a simple fountain,well,how to define “simple fountain”in fountain industry?According to more than ten years of experience in the fountain design and fountain construction industry of Himalaya Music Fountain Equipment Co., Ltd., «Simple fountain» can be roughly divided into two types:

The first type of Simple fountain: there are only a few simple fixed water types and lights, With the power supply on and off to control the running of the fountain, water type and light switch. This kind of fountain can only be used for simple decoration, with a simple design, Single effect.

The second type of Simple program-controlled fountain: According to several types of fountain water in the pool, several control programs are compiled in PLC, and send control signals to control the low-voltage relay through the process controller,then the relay controls the AC contactor of the water pump, so that the water type and light have several alternate change styles. This kind of simple fountain has low cost and better effect than fixed water type. It is generally used in the design of small indoor fountain waterscape.

Simple fountain
Simple fountain
Simple fountain
Simple fountain